
cat burglar



cat burglar为短语/超纲词汇

cat burglar

(Brit) burglar who enters houses by climbing up walls, drain-pipes, etc (沿墙壁或水管潜入屋内的)小偷, 飞贼.

cat burglar

'cat .burglar
a thief who enters a building by climbing up walls, pipes etc
1. Burglar alarms going off at any time of the day or night serve only to annoy passers-by and actually assist burglars to burgle.

2. We ask the cat whether we should wear the blue suit or the yellow dress.

3. The cat arched its back when it saw the dog.

4. The cat curled up on my knee.

5. The cat´s eyes were gleaming in the dark.

6. The beautiful glossy coat of the cat shone as it lay in sunlight.

7. The cat leapt from the chair.

8. The cat is licking its fur.

9. The domesticated cat retains its predatory instincts.

10. The cat died of starvation.
